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Who Are We?

Torea Consulting is the premier consulting firm in the Greater Toronto Area focusing exclusively on the practice of Enterprise Architecture.

What we do

Our customers are typically large or medium sized organizations with an established legacy of I.T. applications. Often, these assets are not well documented or understood and it is not clear how these assets will contribute to the organization going forward.

Using proven industry practices, we assist in establishing and documenting a clear depiction of the future state of I.T. within the organization and define how to get there.

What is Enterprise Architecture?

Enterprise Architecture is the urban planning of Information Technology. Enterprise Architecture is driven from the principle of Business-I.T. alignment. The I.T. artifacts for an enterprise are woven together into a cohesive architecture from the conceptual right down to the physical layers.

Methodologies used

We are familiar with and can support any of the prevalent Enterprise Architecture frameworks, including: